Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I am a Bad Blogger!

Okay, so it has been forever since I posted anything to my blog. Most of the time I feel like there is nothing that interesting going on in our lives that need to be blogged about. Then when something does happen, it usually has be so busy or over whelmed that I just don't have the time or motivation to blog. Talk about a Catch 22! LOL!

Well, in the midst of our current struggles, I have been feeling quite overwhelmed, to say the least. It is so comforting to me though how the Lord always finds a way to deliver a message that I really need to hear in a perfect way. Sitting in our MOPS meeting, feeling the world crashing around me, watching all the other pre-school moms with their perfect little children, talk about their perfect little husbands in their perfect little world (well, not really, I know they have their share of problems too, but sometimes it just seems that way), not really listening to the speaker, until she mentions Peter. Peter was in a boat in a storm, and when he saw Jesus, out in the waves walking on the water, he wanted to be with his Lord. He cried out to Jesus, asking to come to Him. It's like Peter knew he would be better off on the raging waves with Jesus than in the boat without Him! So Jesus called and Peter stepped out of the boat. Now this is the part of the story where I can really identify with Peter. Once he was out of the boat, Peter realized the fury of the storm around him; he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the problems instead. And that's when things went south, Peter started sinking; and that's what I had been doing - watching the storm and sinking in my troubles instead of looking to Jesus.

Well, I would like to say I have learned my lesson and since that day I have been resting in the joy of the Lord without worry. But I can't say that truthfully. I can say I am doing better, but I still have to remind myself to turn things over to Him daily (hourly, minutely... is that even a word? "minutely"?). :)

I have even got a got of my creative mojo back and scrapped a page, the first in quite a while. Maybe I can get it posted later for y'all to see.

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